Inspiring and empowering women around the world.
Make it happen!
This is my Story..
My name is Karina Delgadillo, aka Muakk (Muakk.com y Muakk.tv). Mom, wife, entrepeneur, makeup artist, speaker, network marketer and leader of more than 4000 women around the world.
I started my path of failures and success back in 2009 by turning my passion for beauty and makeup in my dream job. Nowadays, I have a business and platform which I use to inspire thousands of women to start a business of their own and help them achieve their personal development.
I am Top Leader Black Status in Younique and my team has presence in Mexico, United States, Portugal and we continue to expand our horizons on a daily basis.
Some of my personal achievements are:
- Black Status Younique (3rd Mexican to achieve it)
- Top #1 Sponsor Mexico Younique 2018
- Invited speaker to masive conferences:
+We are all Blacks Mayo 2018
+Empower You Agosto 2018
+Emprendiendo a la Buena Mayo 2019
+"Monetize your Passion" en DearMalina Mayo 2019
+"Strategies for Instagram" UTJ Junio 2019